Bonsai means "tree in a pot".
You can spend a lifetime studying the topic and still have something more to learn.
We have a variety of bonsai available for purchase. Please check our locally sourced bonsai section below and submit a Bonsai Inquiry form to request your favorite!
Bonsai Care & Tips
Coming soon...
Styles of Bonsai
Formal Upright
Informal Upright
Twin Trunk
Image coming soon...
Fake Deadwood
Image coming soon...
Image coming soon...
Locally Grown Bonsai
Meet Our Source
Marcelo Silva
"My name is Marcelo and my interest in bonsai began when I was still a teenager, when no internet existed and books about the topic were rare, especially in Brazil.
Ten years ago, when I moved to Oregon, my passion for bonsai flourished. Encouraged by a favorable environment and variety of local flora, I was able to cultivate and expand both my collection of plants and knowledge.
I am still just a student and I push myself to learn something new everyday about this ancient and beautiful art."
Bonsai for Sale
Each post below shows the exact bonsai* you will receive upon purchase.
*With the exception of pre-bonsai plants in which their likeness is represented in their photos.
Supplies limited to first come, first serve.
Grand Fir Bonsai
Abies grandis
Subalpine Fir Bonsai
Abies lasiocarpa
Trident Maple Pre-Bonsai
Acer buergerianum
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Japanese Maple Pre-Bonsai
Acer palmatum
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Persian Silk Tree Pre-Bonsai
Albizia julibrissin
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Silver Birch Pre-Bonsai
Betula pendula
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
European Hornbeam Pre-Bonsai
Carpinus betulus
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Korean Hornbeam Pre-Bonsai
Carpinus turczaninowii
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Atlas Cedar Bonsai
Cedrus alantica
Deodar Cedar Pre-Bonsai
Cedrus deodara
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Dwarf Sawara False-Cypress Pre-Bonsai
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Nana'
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Deodar Cedar Pre-Bonsai
Cedrus deodara
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Some wiring and shaping was done.
Bonsai pot not included.
Cotoneaster Pre-Bonsai
Cotoneaster glaucophyllus
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Jacaranda Pre-Bonsai
Jarcaranda mimosifolia
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
San Jose Juniper Bonsai
Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose'
Shimpaku Juniper Bonsai #1
Juniperus chinensis 'Shimpaku'
(Image coming soon!)
Shimpaku Juniper Bonsai #2
Juniperus chinensis 'Shimpaku'
Japanese Garden Juniper Bonsai
Juniperus procumbens
Japanese Garden Juniper Bonsai
Juniperus procumbens
*Plant stand not included.
Japanese Garden Juniper Bonsai
Juniperus procumbens
Western Larch Bonsai
Larix occidentalis
Western Larch Bonsai
Larix occidentalis
Apple Pre-Bonsai
Malus pumila
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Empress Tree Pre-Bonsai
Paulownia tomentosa
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Red Pine Bonsai
Pinus densiflora
Shore Pine Bonsai
Pinus contorta "Contorta'
White Spruce Bonsai
Picea glauca
Huangshan Pine Pre-Bonsai
Pinus hwangshanensis
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Scots Pine Bonsai
Pinus sylvestris
Japanese Black Pine Pre-Bonsai
Pinus thunbergii
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Japanese Black Pine Bonsai
Pinus thunbergii
Kotobuki Japanese Black Pine Bonsai
Pinus thunbergii 'Kotobuki'
Pomegranate Pre-Bonsai
Punica granatum
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Weeping Willow Pre-Bonsai
Salix babylonica
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Giant Sequoia Pre-Bonsai
Sequoiadendron giganteum
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Western Hemlock Bonsai #1
Tsuga heterophylla
Western Hemlock Bonsai #2
Tsuga heterophylla
Chinese Elm Pre-Bonsai
Ulmus parvifolia
(Image coming soon!)
This is pre-bonsai stock.
Bonsai pot not included.
Purchasing Bonsai & Pre-Bonsai Stock
During out winter season, we return our locally sourced bonsai to the grower for maintenance and extra care needed during the cold temperatures, however, they are still available for purchase and pickup in-store.
A few selections of indoor bonsai remain available in-store at our Farmington Road location year round as supplies last.