Edibles Information
Enjoy the harvest of what makes Oregon great. Fill your garden with a variety of fruits and vegetables that are sure to bring a smile to every member of your family. We carry a wonderful selection of starts and shrubs to choose from.
Spring Vegetables
InformationGet ready to start off the growing season right with our spring planting recommendations and tips.
Perennial Vegetables
InformationYears of harvest without the the extra soil prep, and annual replanting.
Fruit Trees
InformationFruit trees are very popular in the garden, they allow you to enjoy fresh fruit straight from your own yard. There are new dwarf and semi dwarf varieties coming out each year making it easier than ever for the backyard gardener.
Small Fruits
InformationNothing is better then fresh fruit from the garden. If you want to try your hand at growing your own strawberry patch, or how to set up a grape arbor with success, we have just the right tips for you!