A fresh peach or nectarine is hard to beat, and although they can be grown in the Willamette Valley they will require some extra care.
More varieties may be available in store. Please call for more information.
Zone: 5
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season: July
Disease Resistance: Moderate
Large, bright pink blooms form into sweet, juicy fruit with an orange-blushed yellow skin. Cold hardy. Self-fruitful.
Zone: 6
25′ x 25′
Harvest Season: July
Disease Resistance: Unknown
A very vigorou tree that produces an abundance of fruit with great flavor and sweetness. Fragrant pink spring flowers turn to large freestone nectarines with smooth red skin and sweet yellow flesh. Self-fruitful.
Spice Zee
Zone: 6
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season: July to August
Disease Resistance: Unknown
White fleshed nectarine-peach-plum hybrid with dark maroon to pale pink skin. Prolific bloomer. Distinctive plum and nectarine flavor profile. Self-fruitful.
With newer varieties coming out, it is getting easier to grow peaches in western Oregon, but it is far from their ideal climate, and thus are prone to certain diseases and will need a pest management strategy to grow and produce a good yield. Peaches want full sun with well draining soil.
Zone: 5
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season: July to August
Disease Resistance: Moderate
Popular old variety that produces large,red-blushed golden fruits. Very classic peach flavor. Freestone. Self-fruitful
Zone: 5
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season:July
Disease Resistance: Moderate to good
Medium to large fruit with blushed red, yellow skin. Delicious peach flavor. Freestone. Self-fruitful.
Zone: 5
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season: Late July
Disease Resistance: Good
One of the most winter hardy peach varieties. Polly is medium-sized, white-fleshed fruit with exceptional flavor. Crimson-blushed white skin. Self Furtile.
Red Haven
Zone: 5
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season: July
Disease Resistance: Moderate
Most widely planted peach. Juicy medium sized fruit that is lightly blushed red. Self-fruitful. Freestone.
Zone: 5
15′ x 15′
Harvest Season: Mid June
Disease Resistance: Good
Bears armloads of ripe, tangy, red cherries, which make mouthwatering pies and cobblers. Large fruit with bright red skin. The standard by which pie cherries are judged. Self-pollinating.
Zone: 5
12′ x 12′
Harvest Season: July
Disease Resistance: Good
Distinctive flat peaches that taste great. This uniquely shaped fruit opens up to tender, white flesh with a mild, sweet flavor. Self-pollinating.